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To find support and resources for federal workers, visit fedsupport.dc.gov.
WelcomeMarch For Our Lives occurs on Saturday, March 24, 2018. Visitors and DC residents and business owners are encouraged to stay informed and have a plan. Event information is subject to change, so please check back to this website often. You should also follow @DC_HSEMA on Twitter for event updates and information. For official event information from March For Our Lives, visit the event organizer's website. |
Get Alerts on Your PhoneHeaded to DC for March For Our Lives on March 24? Get important updates from the city on safety, weather, traffic and transit with free alerts. Text "MARCH24" to 888-777 to sign up right now! |
Street ClosuresThe Metropolitan Police Department has planned street closures in conjunction with the March For Our Lives scheduled for Saturday, March 24, 2018. For more information, visit our Street Closures page. |